Slesvig, 1920
Postcard from Flensburg 1 February 1920 to Hellerup, Denmark. Pair 10 pf Plebiscit tied by datestamp ‘FLENSBURG 1.2.20 1-2V / *1 k’ and official cachet ‘COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE * SLESVIG * LE PREFET DE POLICE’, scarce on letters.
GBP 508.00
Slesvig, 1920
Reiseausweis issued Tinnum 13 April 1920 issued for Arthur Petersen, living in Tinnum, für den Internert Röm. Valid until 1 August 1920 for the purpose travel to and from the Abstimmungsgebiet. Stamped with the cachet ‘COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE SLESVIG’, cachets CIS Stedesand on reverse.
GBP 254.00
Slesvig, 1920, 20,25,26
German parcel card from Hoyer 30 April 1920 to Hamburg, Germany. Mixed franking of two 40 pf. 20 pf, 1 and 2 Mark Plebiscit. Value 800 Mark, registration label ‘589 / Hoyer / 35’, parcel weighing until 10 kg, parcel fee above 75 km. = 2,50 Mark, registration 0,20 Mark, value fee until 1000 Mark 0,40 Mark, total 3,20 Mark, correct franking.
GBP 2,119.00
Slesvig, 1920
Plebiscit overprinted ”MAK.” on imperforated blocks of four of the values 7 1/2pf, 10, 2, 35, 40 and 75 pf. from printers bin.
GBP 203.00
Slesvig, 1920, 4,6,9
Danish parcel card from Tønder 26 June 1920 to Frederikshavn, Denmark. 10, 20 and 40 øre 1. ZONE Plebiscit Slesvig tied by datestamp TØNDER (2) 26.6.1920 6-7. Parcel weighing 2,5 kg., value 30 Kr., value label ‘292 Tønder’. Parcel rate 50 øre, value fee 20 øre, total postage 70 øre, correct franking, corners with remnants from glue.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig, 1920, 20,26,27
Danish parcel card from Apenrade 11 May 1920 to Aalborg, Denmark. 5 Mark on front, on back pair 20 pf, pair 2 Mark and single 5 Mark Plebiscit Slesvig, total franking 14,40 Mark. Label ’29 / Apenrade / 38’, parcel weighing 4,5 kg. German red ‘Eilbogen-Zettel’, Danish ilpakke and ekspres labels. Parcel rate 15.3 – 20.6.1920 until 5 Kg. rated at a fee of 12 Mark, German Express fee German Reich from 6.5.20 1 Mark, total rate 13 Mark. Overfranked with 1,40 Mark, stamps with minor faults.
GBP 2,373.00
Slesvig, 1920, CIS 4,11
Registered letter from Commission Internationale Slesvig in Flensburg 17 May 1920 to Aabenraa, Denmark. 10 pf and 1 Mk. C·I·S overprint tied by datestamp FLENSBURG 17.5.20 5-6N, registration label ‘R / Flensburg 1. / No. 355’ and backstamped APENRADE 17.5.20.
GBP 1,017.00
Slesvig, 1920, 27
Part of travel pass. Stamped with the large VISA mark “Vised good for” stay and fortsat rejse in Slesvig at the border crossing Farris, 21 FEB 1920. Plebiscit SLESVIG 5 MK corrected to 8 Kr. and used as fiscal duty stamp, cancelled with oval “CIS 25 JAN 1920 SLESVIG”. Stamped with cachets from the CIS.
GBP 339.00
Slesvig, 1920
German Personalausweis Nr. 77, issued in Lüneburg 6 Mai 1921, valid until 5 Mai 1921. Issued for Anna Schuhmann, Geboren Hansen. On the back of the Reisepass, Plebiscit “Reise-Pas” issued Hamburg and stamped with the large VISA mark “Vised good for” stay in Slesvig at the border crossing Stedesand, 10. Maj 1920 and valid for stay in Slesvig until 15 Mai 1920. Pair of Plebiscit SLESVIG 5 MK used as fiscal duty stamp, cancelled with oval “CIS 10. MAJ. 1920 SLESVIG” and oval CIS Stedesand cachet.
GBP 1,695.00
Slesvig, 1920
Postcard from Hoyerschleusse 11 July 1920 to Berlin, Germany. Plebiscit 10 øre 1 ZONE single postal stationery card cancelled with Danish railroad mark DAKA 266.02 ‘TØNDER – HØJER 11.7.21 T. 1207’, scarce on letters.
GBP 254.00
Slesvig, 1920
Registered letter sent by the member of CIS commission, Oscar von Sydow, Chief of Göteborg from Flensburg 1 April 1920 to Göteborg, Sweden. Franked with CIS overprint 2½ Pf, 7½ pf and 20 Pf tied by datestamp FLENSBURG 1.4.20 9-10N. Registration label ‘R Flensburg 1. NO. 119’ and cachet of ‘COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE / SLESVIG’, letter inside with official letter header of the commission.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig, 1920, 6
Danish parcel card (cut down) from Møgeltønder 16 June 1920 to Berlin, Germany. Three 20 øre 1. ZONE Plebiscit Slesvig tied by datestamp LØGUMKLOSTER 16.6.20 6-8F. White numbered label ‘423’ and stamped 1-line ‘Møgeltønder’, parcel weighing 5 Kg., parcel fee 0-5 kg 72 øre according to the Danish ‘Post- og Rejsehåndbog von 10.12.1919 s. 54’, underfranked 12 øre and not charged. ‘50’ blue crayon which apparently is customs duties.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig, 1920, 2,9,11
Danish parcel card for two parcels from Haderslev 4 June 1920 to Soltau, Hannover, Germany. 5 Øre, pair 40 øre and two 1 Kr. 1. ZONE Plebiscit Slesvig, total franking 2,85 Kr. Purple value label without value ‘143 HADERSLEV’, red crayon ‘R’. Parcels weighing 11,5 Kg. Parcel fee 0-5 kg 60 øre, 5-11,5 kg, = + 6,5 kg. rounded up to 7 kg. with each kg. at 30 øre = 210 øre, registration fee 15 øre, total 285 øre, correct franking, minor faults on some stamps.
GBP 2,966.00
Slesvig, 1920, 27
Plebiscit “Reise-Pas” page 5-6 issued Hamburg and stamped with the large VISA mark “Vised good for” stay in Slesvig at the border crossing Frørup, 12th April 1920 and valid for stay in Slesvig until 25 June 1920. Plebiscit SLESVIG 5 MK used as fiscal duty stamp, cancelled with oval “CIS 12. APR. 1920 SLESVIG”.
GBP 508.00
Slesvig, 1881
"10 pf. letter from Gravenstein to Byllerup-Bau 26. April 1881 tied by the scarce preussian one-ring mark "Gravenstein i. Schleswig", DAKA 56.09."
GBP 254.00
Slesvig, 1920
Registered letter sent from “Commission Internationale Slesvig” in Flensburg 21 April 1920 to Næstved and franked with 75 pf overprinted CIS. Letter rate 30 pf and registration fee 30 pf, total franked 60 pf, apparantly overfranked by 15 pf.
GBP 339.00
Slesvig, 1921
Registered letter sent from Osterterp near Apenrade to Slagelse 21 February 1920, bearing a 3-strip 20 pf blue tied by Apenrade CDS, alongside Registration label “Osterterp No. 72” and on top stamped “Apenrade” 1-line mark. Censor label on back tied by the large 45 mm commission stamp “COMMISSION - INTERNATIONALE - SLESVIG” and Slagelse arriving CDS on reverse.
GBP 85.00
Slesvig, 1893
Letter sent from Hong Kong to Sonderborg 23 November 1893 bearing a 10c Hong Kong stamp with 1-ring “SONDERBURG” arriving mark on back.
GBP 254.00
Slesvig, 1920
Local letter sent from “Commission Internationale Slesvig” in Flensburg 14 March 1920 and franked with 5, 15 and 40 pf overprinted CIS. Large part of the CIS overprint is missing on the 40 PF, very scarce item.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig, 1920
Money order for 1 Mk. 45 pf sent from Flensburg to Leck 6 March 1920, bearing a 20 and 25 pf Plebiscit tied by CDS Flensburg. Letter rate 20 pf plus 25 pf for Nachnahme, correct 45 pf franking.
GBP 127.00
Slesvig, 1920
Slesvig Plebiscit 20 pf stamp on printed matter band from Flensburg to Apenrade, January 28, 1920. A very unusual and rare type of the printed matter rate.
GBP 85.00