2. Verdenskrig
Danmark, 1942
Opened letter, likely containing a printed message, sent from Copenhagen December 1942 to Upsala, Sweden. Christmas Seal 1942 (Princess Margrethe of Denmark) with 20 øre caravel issue paying the 20 øre Nordic rate. Censored and stamped red censor mark 'Post- og Telegravæsenet / [Crown] / i Danmark' and 'Fra Udlandspostkontrollen / Retur Afsenderen' with message inside underlined 'Tryksager..... (kan kun sendes i Forretningsøjemed', a rare printed message from Udlandspostkontrollen, formular 'Udlpktr. 16 (1-42)'.
DKK 3.360,00
Danmark, 1942
70 øre 'Postemblem' single franking on value letter from Stockholm 22 June 1942 to Aarhus, Denmark. Swedish exchange control, resealed and with two red wax seal 'PCA 1' by Stockholm Registration office and stamped 'Granskad enligt. Kungl. Maj:ts förordnande'. In Aarhus opened and resealed by 'AARHUS TOLDSTED' and danish censor mark 'Post- og Telegrafvæsenet [crown] i Danmark'. Rare
DKK 1.340,00
Danmark, 1943
Airmail letter from Christiansfeld 20 January 1943 to Umanak, Greenland. Routing instruction 'Greenland / (via Lissabon - New York ), German censorship and Bermuda censor resealing tape 'P.C.90 OPENED BY EXAMINER / I.C. / 1347'. Letter rate 20 øre plus 80 øre Air Mail surcharge.
DKK 2.240,00
Danmark, 194$
Danish Red Cross 'Deamndeur' form dated 25 October 1941 from Maribo to London, England. Message sent out by Red Cross in London to the addressee, Iris Sparrow.
DKK 1.120,00
Danmark, 1945
Copenhagen, Telegram from Great Britain, Copenhagen 24 June 1945. Post war censor mark 'C [Crown] 8' in violet. Rare.
DKK 1.490,00
Danmark, 1945
'Kriegsgefangenenpost / Rückantwortbrief' written by Stella Skov in Copenhagen on 20 March 1945 to her husband Hans Skov, prisoner no. '309020'. Stamped in red 'Interneret Post', 'Retur' and 'Overflyttet til Frøslev' and dateline mark '22. MRTS.1945'. Hans Skov was arrested on 19 September 1944 and sent to Buchelwald the same date, and transferred to Frøslevlejren 10 April 1945 from KZ Buchenwald. He was arrested with reason for 'Aktion politi'.
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1945
Letter from FIELD POST OFFICE 504 9 December 1945 to Copenhagen, sent by Tove Rasmussen, UNRRA-Team 89, 30th Corps-Distr. HG, B.O.A.R., Germany.
DKK 750,00
Danmark, 1940
Letter from London 22 January 1940 to Copenhagen. Without stamps that was loosened by water and stamped 'Beskadiget af Søvand'. Carried onboard DFDS ship S/S ”Vidar” sunk in the Northsea 31 January 1940, torpedoed by the German submarine U-21. 15 people died. Envelope in original glassine envelope from the Danish Post 'Heri en under Postbesørgelsen beskadiget Forsendelse.
DKK 750,00
Danmark, 1946
Refugee letter from Sæby 23 April 1946 to Red Cross, London, England. Sent by 'Siegfried Hermann, Flüchtlingslager, Saeby-West Jütland (Dänemark). Backstamped with refugee camp mark '[CROWN] / LUFTVÆRNSKONTORET / SÆBY '
DKK 750,00
Danmark, 1945
Copenhagen, Telegram from Halifax, Copenhagen 19 July 1945. Post war censor mark 'C [Crown] 6' in violet. Rare.
DKK 1.490,00
Danmark, 1942
Express letter from Skodsborg 19 October 1942 to TELEGRAFCENSUREN, Købmagergade 37, København. 10 øre stationery envelope uprated with two 20/15 øre provisional, sent express. The department was responsible for censoring the telegraph communication during WWII.
DKK 1.870,00
Danmark, 1940
"Complete used set of Freikorps Dänemark on piece tied by mauve "Diensstelle Feldpostnummer 25362C - Briefstempel”. Rare set in excellent quality."
DKK 13.430,00
Danmark, 1942
Feldpost letter sent from a Dane in the “Dänische Gruppe - Feldtpost 39.535” to Copenhagen, bearing a 25 M DR tied by “FELDPOST 9.2.42” alongside “Einheit Feldpost Nr. 39545 B Briefstempel”, with German “f” resealing censor tape.
DKK 1.120,00
Danmark, 1940
"Field Post letter by airmail from Hamburg to Skive 1. November 1940 via the Karup airfield. On arrival in Karup a Danish stamp has been applied to pay the rate for a domestic letter, 20 øre. The letter originally mailed from "Luftpostamt - Feldpost 14568 Hamburg". A very unusual type of letter."
DKK 1.490,00
Danmark, 1947
Letter sent from the “ROYAL DANISH MILITARY MISSION” c/o B.A.O.R. in Bad Salzuflen to Hamburg 21 January 1947 with a two-ring seal “HQ CONTROL COMMISSION FOR GERMANY – Message and Mail Centre”. Quite unusual letter sent from the Danish military representation in Germany.
DKK 1.120,00
Danmark, 1942
Letter sent from Aarhus 2 February 1942 to Max Andersen, a Danish slave labourer in Germany at the camp “Lager zur Hochbrücke Kiel-Wik under control of “Marinebauamt”, but then returned to sender with the message that he has left the camp. A rare example showing that Germany also used a lot of Danish slave labourers.
DKK 930,00
Danmark, 1945
Letter sent from Oksbøl to Geneve 3 October 1945, bearing one 40 øre Chr. X steel engraving issue, tied by CDS “OKSBØL” swiss type mark. Sent from the refugee camp “Oksbøl” and stamped on reverse with oval mark in blue “St. C. L./LEJRCHEFEN/I OXBØL” alongside line mark “Censureret” and censors signature.
DKK 560,00
Danmark, 1945
Airmail letter sent from Copenhagen to St. Louis 3 July 1945 bearing correct postage of 125 øre, foreign rate 40 øre plus 85 øre airmail surcharge. Stamped 2-line “par avion - jusqu' à N. York.” - Rarely seen routing mark on letters. Danish and US censorship.
DKK 750,00
Danmark, 1942
Letter sent from Fredericia to a soldier with the German forces at Field post number 27745 10 September 1942. Franked with 20 øre paying domestic rate, forwarded and returned and applied with return marks. Unusual letter.
DKK 1.190,00
Danmark, 1940
Air mail letter sent from Copenhagen to Knoxville, USA on 30 March 1940 bearing a 10 øre, 20 øre, 50 and two 15 øre air mail stamps, paying 30 øre foreign rate plus 80 øre air mail surcharge. Sent “via Frankrig”, this route ceased 9 April, when Denmark was occupied by Germany.
DKK 750,00
Danmark, 1946
Refugee letter sent from Nørresundby to Hannover 14 August 1946, stamped on reverse “Flygtningerlejr 49-06 - Lufthavn Vest - Nørresundby” and “LUFTVÆRNSKONTORET AALBORG POST”, and resealed with British censor resealing tape “EXAMINER 251”.
DKK 600,00