Square issues 1851-63
Denmark, 1853, 1Ia
Letter sheet originally sent from Kiel to Copenhagen on 13 September 1853, charged “6” sk. due in red crayon. In Copenhagen re-posted and sent to Helsingør on 14 September and affixed with a prominent plate-flaw of the 4 RBS Thiele I, plate I, pos. 1 (Hakmærket) tied by numeral 1 (Copenhagen) alongside letter-box mark “Compass KB” type. An interesting combination showing the unpaid rate of 6 sk. in cash either due or prepaid and the favored 4 RBS rate when affixed a postage stamp. Circular 3/1852. If a cover had been out of the care of the post office a new postage had to be paid again.
GBP 1,356.00
Denmark, 1856, 4
Ladies envelope with embossed ornamention sent from Sorøe to Kjøge on 3 February 1856 bearing a 4 sk. 1854-issue tied by numeral “67” alongside CDS “SORÖE 3/2 1856”. Decorated letter sheet included. Rare in this condition.
GBP 847.00
Denmark, 1855
2 Rigsbankskilling Thiele printing Plate II-84, type 8 on foot-post letter tied by numeral “1” alongside foot-post marks “17/4 55”. The letter contained two forged “Sølvdalere” manuscript “Indlagt, 2 falske Sølvdalere”. Letters within the Copenhagen ramparts were allowed to weigh up to 500 gram and still subject to only 2 sk. letter rate. Very extraordinary letter and only recorded example proving the special regulation.
GBP 2,881.00
Denmark, 1863, 2, 9
Printed matter wrapper band sent from Copenhagen to Arendal, Norway 3 January 1864 bearing a 2 sk. 1855 and 4 sk. rouletted 1863 tied by numeral “1” Copenhagen alongside Copenhagen KB cds. 6 sk. rate for printed matters to Norway. Rare type of letter of which only a few wrapper bands are recorded to foreign destinations.
GBP 2,966.00
Denmark, 1858, 3
Copenhagen foot post letter to Kongens Nytorv 8 March 1858. Postage 2 sk. Copenhagen rate franked with 2 sk. 1855 dotted spandrels, plate I-99 large plate-flaw with SE-posthorn and cliché damage below SE-Mercury wand. Fine full-margined stamped tied with numeral 1 and datestamp - FP 3 8/3 58 -.
GBP 254.00
Denmark, 1854
Letter sent from Nakskov to Saxkiøbing 2 April 1854 bearing a 4 RBS Thiele II blackish brown plate II, tied by manuscript cancellation in red chalk. Only recorded with red chalk. Exhibtion item.
GBP 1,695.00
Denmark, 1863, 3,9,10
22 sk. rate cover from Copenhagen via Hamburg to Grafenberg in Austrian Schlesia Dec. 20, 1863-64 franked with 16 skilling rouletted, 2 skilling 1855 and 4 sk. rouletted tied by duplex numeral 181. Rectangular Aus Dänemark alongside. Red crayon 3 Sgr. for the rate share to the union. Very fresh shade of the 16 sk. stamp, cover folded, but fine and neat appearance.
GBP 3,559.00
Denmark, 1863, 10
16 sk. 1863 rouletted, with full original gum, hinged, fine centering and rouletting.
GBP 1,186.00
Denmark, 1852
Local letter from Fyns Stiftamtsstue dated 10 July 1852 to Odense. Postage paid with 4 RBS Thiele I (envelope folded through stamp), tied and cancelled with what I believe what has happened, is that the clerk has taken the cover, flipped it over and then pressed the corner with the stamp onto the ink pad. I have never seen similar way of cancelling in the past. A most unusual method of cancellation.
GBP 1,271.00
Denmark, 1863, 9
4 sk. 1863 rouletted, strip of 4 and 3 tied on piece, beautifully cancelled with purple ink crosses.
GBP 1,271.00
Denmark, 1862, 7
Letter docketed Ballum, postmarked Ballum September 1862 sent to Ebeltoft v/Grenaae. 4 sk. V printing tied by numeral Ballum “161” and date-stamp “BALLUM 1x/9 1862” and transit mark “GRENAAE 16/9 1862”, on reverse “AABENRAA 14/9 4-6 EF”.
GBP 339.00
Denmark, 1863, 5
Double weight letter sent from Roeskilde 2 April 1863 to Copenhagen. Postage 8 sk. 1-2 lod, paid with 8 sk. 1857 dotted spandrels tied with numeral 58 and datestamp ANTIII ROESKILDE 2/4 1863. A most fresh and well preserved letter.
GBP 322.00
Denmark, 1854, 4
Letter from Herning 12 October 1855 to Copenhagen. Postage 4 sk. rate franked with 4 sk. 1854 I. printing dotted spandrels. Numeral 84 and datestamp HERNING 12.10.1855. Superb condition.
GBP 153.00
Denmark, 1855, 2b
Copenhagen foot-post cover franked with single Thiele 2 Rigsbankskilling type 5, plate I pos. 75. Fine margins and nicely tied by numral 1. Also blue, oval F P mark 26.11.1855. A most unusual and a most harmonious cover.
GBP 2,966.00
Denmark, 1863, 5, 3x10, 13
Piece with 3x 16 sk. rouletted issue, 8 sk. 1857 and 4 sk. 1864 tied by numeral 1. Fine stamps on attractive exhibition piece.
GBP 847.00
Denmark, 1858
Letter sent from Aarhus to Copenhagen 29. December 1858 bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line issue tied by numeral “188” alongside CDS “DAMPSK:POST-SPED. No. 5, 29/12 1858” in blue. Most likely posted aboard the steamer in Aarhus and then brought into Korsør from where it was sent to Copenhagen.
GBP 169.00
Denmark, 1858, 7
"Domestic letter sent from Rødbye to Rudkjøbing 19 November 1858, bearing a 4 Sk. wavy-line 1858-issue tied by numeral "60", alongside stamped with curved 1-line mark “RØDBYE 1858” and ink date “19/11”. Postmark used one year from July 1858 to July 1859. Envelope with some folds not affectic stamp. Scarce postmark."
GBP 678.00
Denmark, 1856, 4
Entire sent from Glückstadt 19 September 1856 to Hamburg, bearing a 4 sk. 1854 dotted spandrels III printing tied by numeral “116” Glückstadt in bluish grey ink, blue antiqua III “GLÜCKSTADT 19/9 1856” and stamped Hamburg Stadt Post Amt “F.P. 20/9” and KDOPA Hamburg on reverse. Local Foot Post fee “2” schilled noted in red crayon due by the addressee. The stamp is with one close margin.
GBP 424.00
Denmark, 1851
April 1851 letter from Copenhagen to Skielskør 22. April 1851. As unfranked with the 4 RBS, the rate applied were 6 sk. to be paid by the receiver.
GBP 127.00
Denmark, 1853, 1IIa
4 Rigsbankskilling Thiele II. printing blackish brown, plate II, pos. 47-48. Pair with pen cancellation, magnificent appearance.
GBP 847.00