Tofarvet Skilling 1870

Danmark, 1874
Local registered letter carried by Copenhagen Foot Post sent 29 April 1874, bearing two 4 sk. X printing and a single 2 sk. VIII printing bicoloured issue, tied by Copenhagen numeral “1” alongside Oval FP mark. List no. 249. 2 sk. local rate plus 8 sk. registration fee, total 10 sk. Local registered skilling letters are very unusual
DKK 14.930,00
Danmark, 1871-75, 20
16 sk. bicolored on 70 Rbd. value letter from Stubbekjøbing 1871-75 to Copenhagen. Cancelled with numeral '69' and datestamp 'STUBBEKJØBING 30/10'. Value label 'Fra Stubbekjbg. 652', stamped 'TALT' and marked with blue crayon '14'.
DKK 1.490,00
Danmark, 1870
48 Sk. colour Essay blue/red, AFA 21F, good margins.
DKK 3.540,00
Danmark, 1874, 19
2 sk. stationery envelope uprated with 8 sk. bicolored III printing (one short perf) on registered foot post letter 15 October 1874, cancelled with numeral '1' and oval FP MARK and manuscript ledger no. '112' - paying 2 sk. local letter rate plus 8 sk. registration fee. A most unusual and rare local registered letter.
DKK 7.460,00
Danmark, 1871
Parcel letter franked with 161 sk. paying the parcel rate from Aalborg to Montgomery County, Alabama USA sent from Aalborg 12 March 1871 and from Bremen 15 March to NY aboard the steamer “Silicia” arriving NY 27 March. Lovely five-colour transatlantic letter from Denmark, highest recorded skilling franking to US and only one of two parcel letters to US. An impressive exhibition item.
Price on request
Danmark, 1871
2 sk. inverted frame VIII. printing pos. 18 on letter front together with an 8 sk. , paying the 10 sk. rate to Holland.
DKK 3.730,00
Danmark, 1871
3 sk. bicoulored normal frame pos. A40, with watermark, no gum, imperforate colour proof with right sheet margin. Very rare with full sheet margin (AFA P17B)
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1871
48 sk. normal thick frame perforated on three sides and left side imperforate with part of sheet margin, cancelled in Svendborg. Extremely scarce with imperforate left sheet margin.
DKK 13.430,00
Danmark, 1871
2 sk. bicoulored normal frame pos. A70, with watermark, no gum, imperforate colour proof with right sheet margin. Very rare with full sheet margin (AFA P16B)
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1874, 16
Copenhagen Footpost parcel franked with 2 sk. bicolored IX printing pos. A7 cancelled with numeral '1' Copenhagen and datestamped oval Footpost mark 'FP 4 3/12 74' in black. A parcel accompanying the letter 'Hermed en Kasse KE K', inside the envelope a note 'Sent med Kaptain Tuesen, Korup Enke' and 'M. Thuesen, Nexö' on the flap. Up to 500 gram parcel letters could be shipped for the local footpost rate of only 2 sk, an extremely rare postal docuent from the Coopenhagen foot post service. A small beautiful envelope.
DKK 10.450,00
Danmark, 1871
8 sk. bicoulored normal frame pos. A40, with watermark, no gum, imperforate colour proof with right sheet margin. Very rare with full sheet margin (AFA P19B)
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1871
Pair 48 sk. bicoulored normal frame pos. pos. 89-90, with watermark, no gum, imperforate colour proof with right sheet margin. Very rare with full sheet margin (AFA P21B)
DKK 8.960,00
Danmark, 1871
16 sk. bicoulored normal frame pos. A70, with watermark, no gum, imperforate colour proof with right sheet margin. Very rare with full sheet margin (AFA P20B)
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1874, 18
Registered letter from Korsør to Copenhagen August 22, 1874 franked with strip of three 4 sk. bicoloured tied by duplex 37. 8 sk. registration fee and 4 sk. letter rate. List no. 53 and boxed Anbefalet. Fine cover
DKK 1.120,00
Danmark, 1871, 21
Parcel letter sent from Aalborg 10 February 1871/72 to Hagerud via Christiania, Norway. Two 48 sk. bicolored issue tied by numeral 4, CDS lapidar IIa-1 “AALBORG 10/2 4 POST”. Parcel label “Fra Aalborg. 865”, one parcel 4 3/4 . Letter 8 sk. plus, parcel rate 8 sk. plus 16 sk. for each of the 5 , = 96 sk. Very few such impressive 48 sk. letters known, and the purple colour of the stamps are far better than what to expect of this stamp.
DKK 33.580,00
Danmark, 1870, 13
Letter sent to Stockholm from Denmark 5 January 1870 bearing two 4 sk. 11 Printing tied by Swedish CDS “PKXP N:R2 - 5.1.1870” tying the 4 sk pair, paying the 8 sk. rate to Sweden. Excellent quality.
DKK 5.600,00
Danmark, 1870
48 Sk. colour Essay olivegrey/ultramarine, AFA 21F, good margins.
DKK 3.540,00
Danmark, 1873, 18
Transatlantic letter from Copenhagen to Baltimore Maryland August 25, 1873 and then forwarded poste restante to Vienna in Austria. Transit marks New York, Baltimore and Vienna. Boxed “Via Tydskland”. Despite some small perforation faults, this is a very unusual transatlantic letter.
DKK 3.730,00
Danmark, 1872, 20y
16 sk. green/grey bicolored issue II printing 1872 with inverted frame pos. 90, used. In this condition a very scarce stamp.
DKK 14.930,00
Danmark, 1871, 11,14,15,21
"Parcel letter front from Musse letter collecting place "Fra Musse Brevsaml." to Copenhagen Jan 20, 1871-72 for four parcels weighing 36 , 38 , 37 1/2 , 39 a total of 150 , with Saxkiøbing labels 25-28. Postage paid cash, a total of 90 skilling on the cover with 48 sk, pair of 16 sk., 2 and 8 sk. Arms type - not complete franking. Fresh shade for the 48 sk. stamp. Musse collecting place from 1.10.1867-22.8.1872. A scarce parcel item."
DKK 11.190,00
Danmark, 1872
13 sk. letter sent from Odense to Amsterdam 26 October 1872 bearing a 3-strip 3 sk. and a 4 sk. bicoloured issue tied by railroad duplex mark “10” Fyen Jb.P.B.” and Amsterdam 12.10 arrival mark on reverse.
DKK 7.460,00