Dansk Vestindien
Dansk Vestindien, 1905, 24y
Local postcard sent within St. Thomas 28 October 1905. 5 BIT green King Christian IX with plate flaw colorspot below B in bottom frame, pos. 48 in 1st printing. Domestic postcard rate 5 BIT from 15.6.1905 – 31.3.1917.
DKK 1.120,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1873
Unpaid single weight letter docketed St. Thomas 12. July 1873 to Genova, Italy. With RMS ELBE to London, then forwarded to Italy in the closed mails through France. Upon arrival in Genova, a collection of 17 decimi was required to pay the Italian internal postage, included the 14½ decimi fee to England. Under terms of the Anglo-Italian Convention, the postage due to Great Britain was a combination of the 1 sh. (12 decimi) per ¼ ounce British transatlantic packet service and transit fee to France, plus the 1 Franc per 30 gram (25c per 7½ gram) closed mail transit fee through France to Italy, for a total of 14½ decimi. Added to this amount was 20 centisimi per 7½ gram Italian internal postage, and the total was rounded up to 17 decimi.
DKK 4.100,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1903, 7Bx
Postcard St. Thomas 2 February 1903 to Antigua. 2¢ provisional bisected 4¢ tied by CDS “ST. THOMAS 2/2 1903” with receiving mark “ANTIGUA FB 10/03” on front. Unusual destination and rare type of private BREV-KORT.
DKK 1.870,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1902
"Unsevered double card “1 CENT 1901” provisional issue 1st printing, frame Group 3C. Sent from Christiansted 9.1.1902 to St. Thomas, posted on ship, and cancelled on arrival in St. Thomas with “C” Christiansted and CDS “ST. THOMAS 9/1 1902” receiving mark. Reply sent from St. Thomas 3 April 1902 to Christiansted. Only 50 cards printed of the first printing with parenthesis around "ANTILLES DANOISES", this card is unsevered, extremely rare in used condition."
DKK 8.960,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1904, 22
Danish West Indies June 1904 to New York. Four 2¢ Coat-of-Arms issue (AFA 22) tied by “PAQUEBOT / (N.Y.2D DIV), with receiving mark struck on reverse “NEW YORK. N.Y. / 1904/ JUN 24 / 1-PM”. Foreign rate 8¢ from 1.1.1902 – 14.7.1905.
DKK 4.850,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1903, 22
Domestic letter sent from Christiansted 2 November 1903 to St. Thomas. 2¢ red Coat-of-Arms tied by CHRISTIANSTED 2/11 1903 LAP3, ST. THOMAS 3/11 1903 receiving mark on reverse. 2¢ domestic letter rate from 1.1.1902 – 14.6.1905.
DKK 750,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1873, P5a
1 cent bicoloured normal frame. Imperforate proof without watermark and gum. Rare.
DKK 4.100,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1873, P10a
5 cents bicoloured normal frame, main frame group 3. Imperforate proof without watermark and gum. Rare.
DKK 4.100,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1873, P7
4 cents bicoloured normal frame. Imperforate proof without watermark and gum. Rare.
DKK 4.100,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1892, 5, 10
Envelope from Christianssted 13 October 1892 to Nykøbing Mors, Denmark. 7¢ direct rate to Denmark and Germany only with routing instruction VIA HAMBURG, bearing bicolored 5¢ IV and pair 1¢ VII printing tied by mute datestamp with two SS “CHRISTIANSSTED 13/10 1892”, with St. Thomas transit and NYKJØBING I JYLL. 25/11 receiving mark on reverse, envelope opened at right and shortened a bit. VERY FEW 7¢-rate letters recorded with direct ship to Germany or Denmark, the most sought after postal rate from Danish West Indies.
DKK 37.310,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1893
2¢ single postal card uprated with 1¢ bicolored VII printing, sent from St. Thomas 18. January 1893 via Le Havre to Hamburg. Cancelled “ST. THOMAS 18.1.1893”, “LE HAVRE / SEINE INF. / 1 FEVR 93” and receiving mark “HAMBURG 6 / 2/2 93” struck on front. 2¢ Engström type PC4A2, frame type 3F. [4,5-4,2], MS: frame line thick at two places. Imprint type 2: NW 2nd and 3rd petal joined. SE corner petal hooked. “PAQUEBOT” straight line mark struck most likely in Le Havre and also an unsual and an unusual “ST. THOMAS” mark, that I do not know the origin off.
DKK 7.460,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1903, 7Bx
"4c bisected on postcard sent from St. Thomas to Friesac in Germany 27 February 1903. Delivered aboard the HAPAG steamer "Sibina" marked by manuscript. Arrival CDS on front."
DKK 2.990,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1913
Envelope from San Pedro, Dominican Republic to St. Thomas in March 1913. 5 Centavos tied by St. Thomas 4-ring cancel without dot and arrival cancel on reverse – ST. THOMAS 29.3.1913 – routing instruction manuscript – Pr. 3/S President. Cancellation on foreign stamps like this is quite unusual.
DKK 4.480,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1905, 8B
50 BIT EFTERPORTO stamp large multiple of 40, mint never hinged, perforation 14 x 14 1/2, AFA 8B (catalogvalue dkk 18.000), some split perfs., rare multiple.
DKK 7.460,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1904, 22
Postcard from St. Thomas 28 August 1904 to Copenhagen, Denmark. 2¢ Coat-of-Arms red tied by ST: THOMAS 28/8 1904 LAP2 and KJØBENHAVN V. 18.9.04.OMB.O receiving mark on front. 2¢ UPU postcard rate from 1.1.1902 – 14.7.1905.
DKK 750,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1910
5 BIT King Frederik VIII stationery card from Frederiksted 2 February 1910 to Mannheim, Germany. On back a photo tied with marching soldiers in Fredriksted. Photo’s affixed on cards are quite unusual. Engström PC13 – FG4E, nick in foot of E in BREVKORT.
DKK 1.490,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1866
Letter from Nantes to St. Thomas 14 April 1866 to Carupano, care of St. Thomas agent. Routing instruction Voie d’Angleterre, stamped P.P. and London transit AP16, with receiving mark closed ring ST. THOMAS A MY2 66 on reverse. Charged 4d due, the letter has been forwarded to Carupano, Venezuela. From Southampton RMSPC SEINE arriving 1 May at St. Thomas. A most unusual mixed franking with French and British postage.
DKK 8.960,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1902
Single postcard “1 CENT 1901” on 2¢ blue 5 lines, Frame Group 3F, sent from Christiansted 27 January 1902 to St. Croix. Genuine usage, rare on the provisional cards.
DKK 2.610,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1898, 11y
Letter franked with 10 cents bicoloured inverted frame VII printing from Christiansted to Copenhagen December 19, 1898 tied by Christiansted cds. 10 cents UPU rate. St. Thomas transit and Copenhagen arrival mark on reverse. A fine cover.
DKK 1.490,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1894, 10
Letter from St. Thomas to Assens January 9, 1894 franked with a pair of 5 cents bicoloured VI printing to make up the 10 cents UPU rate. Possible earliest reported use of VI printing.
DKK 2.610,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1909
“Dansk Vestindien” 30 BIT Coupon-Réponse International issued St. Thomas 18.10.1909. Type II, Rome Issue. Only six recorded, horizontal fold below.
DKK 8.960,00