Stampless Letters
Slesvig-Holsten, 1810
Letter from Altona 9 October 1810 to Troyes, France. Prepaid, stamped at the 'Kaiserlich Königlich Französisches Haupt-Postmamt' 'P.P.R.4. / HAMBOURG.' and straightline mark 'P.P.P.P.' (Port Payé Passe Paris) both in red.
GBP 847.00
Denmark, 1746
Letter originating Stettin 22 July 1746 to Bordeaux, France. Forwarder ‘Hamburg d. 29 July 1746, pr. Addresse Johan Christian Crimmel’. Postmarked T&T ‘D ALLEMAGNE’ Type IIb 38,5 x 4 mm, charged ‘25’ sols Hamburg-Bordeaux due.
GBP 127.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1854
Prepaid letter from Lübeck 13 June 1854 to Mandal, Norway. Manuscript 'Lÿbeck 13/6 54', a manuscript I have not found in ARGE.
GBP 212.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1850
Letter from Cappeln 1 February 1850 via Rendsburg to Oldesloe. Stamped 1 1/2-ring 'CAPPELN 1/2 1850'. Cappeln-Rendsburg double letter (1-2 loth) 5-10 Meilen = 2x 2 Sch.Crt. (4) paid and from Rendsburg-Oldesloe 5-10 Meilen= 2x 2 Sch.Crt due by addressee (Postal rate 1.1.1849.) Amtsblatt Nr. 24 from 16.12.1849, postage to be prepaid to Rendsburg. Betweeen Denmark and Schleswig 1.9.1849 and between Holsten and Denmark/Schleswig open for mailservice open from 4 September 1849 (Cours Circulaire 25/1849).
GBP 212.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1811
Napoleonic war. Entire Royal Service by Field Post Estafette sent from Rendsburg to Copenhagen 28 June 1811, endorsed on front “K. D. pr. F.P.E. Afsendt Lieutn Zimmermann xxx”. Endorsed “8” on front, quite unusual for this type of letters.
GBP 678.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1813
Napoleonic War. Urgent military letter sent from Louiseburg near Eckernförde in Schleswig to Meldorf in Holstein, endorsed “Kriegs-Sache, pr. Feldpost Estafette, über Schenefeldt”, datiert 12. December 1813.
GBP 339.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1862
Postal Money Order with 2 Rdl. sent from Garding to Husum 25 May 1862 with town manuscript “Garding 25/5” in red crayon, paid with 6 sk. in cash and 4 sk. paid for the form and filling, list no. 2. Town manuscript “Garding” is not recorded in the ARGE handbooks, this copy might be only recorded. Garding is located to the west of Tönning.
GBP 381.00
Denmark, 1807
Unpaid letter from Cadiz, Spain 13 March 1807 to Copenhagen, Denmark. Postmarked red ‘CADIZ’ and list no. ‘1’. French border transit border mark ‘ESPAGNE / PAR BAYONNE’ and BGD mark Hamburg in red ‘HAMBOURG. 4 / B.G.D. 6 Avrio 1807.’ On reverse list no. ‘25’, share of postal rate ‘46’, and front ‘39’ red crayon being rate from Cadiz to Hamburg, 7 Lybske Skilling Hamburg-Copenhagen, total due 46 Lybske Skilling.
GBP 339.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1861
Unpaid letter sent from Amsterdam to Delve in Holstein October 1861, with 30 sk. due by receiver. 30 sk. rate from Denmark to Holland used 15.7.1854 to 30.6.1864.
GBP 85.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1845
Unpaid letter sent from Ratzeburg to Mölln in Lauenburg 1 May 1845 and postmarked by “Ratzeburg” Antiqua type IIb, very early use of this postmark.
GBP 68.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1813
Entire local letter in Husum from the “Kaiserlich Russischen Kommandos” in Husum dated 26 December 1813.
GBP 169.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1859
Royal Service letter sent from Cismar to Neustadt 14 December 1859 with “Cismar, 14/12 60” 1-line mark applied on front alongside “Lensahn” CDS. ARGE type 6.
GBP 381.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1864
Unpaid parcel letter sent from Wandsbeck 25 May 1864 to Neuenkirchner Wiseh near Wilster with RED WANDSBECK CDS, and then returned to Wandsbeck with Crempe transit mark. Danish postmarks used when Schleswig-Holstein were occupied by the Prussian and Austrian forces.
GBP 212.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1853
Unpaid letter sent from Heiligenhafen to Burg Fehmern 17 January 1853, stamped with 1-line mark “Heiligenhafen” + ink. 17/1 and “2” Sch. C due in red crayon. Heiligenhafen 1-line mark only recorded used from 16.11.52 till 21.1.1853 a little more than only two months. Scarce. Heiligenhafen is located north of Oldenburg and south of the Fehmarnsund Brücke in Holstein.
GBP 424.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1858
Postal Money Order sent from Grube to Burg 9 April 1858, with 3 Rdl. 87 s. and paid in cash with 12 sk., weighing 4 1/2 loth. Town manuscript on front “Grube 9/4 58” and from 1.1.1857-31.3.1866 Grube was a small collecting office, located between Cismar and Oldenburg in the Duchy of Holstein.
GBP 212.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1859
Unpaid letter charged “6” sk. noted in red crayon sent from Herzhorn to Glückstadt 29 November 1859 and endorsed with town manuscript “Von Herzhorn 29/11 59”. Herzhorn is located in Holstein, just to the east of Glückstadt. Scarce.
GBP 254.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1814
Napoleonic War. Royal Service Letter “K.D.S.” sent from Ahrensburg to Tremsbüttel 15 March 1814, noted “Durch reitende Bothen von Dorf, zu Dorf saglich zu besorgen, Abgesendt von Ahrensburg d. 15te Martz, des Morgens 9 1 2 Uhr” and with two was seals on reverse. Rare letter.
GBP 508.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1859
Royal Service letter sent from Cismar to Heiligenhafen 13 February 1859 with “Cismar” 1-line mark applied on front alongside “Lensahn” CDS. ARGE type 5.
GBP 297.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1821
Letter (front) sent from Kiel to Coblenz 13 August 1821 stamped with the boxed “KIEL” and the only recorded example of this postmark. Known for many years and certainly among the most wanted Danish postmarks used in the Duchy of Holstein.
GBP 6,780.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1813
Napoleonic War. Military letter endorsed “D.S.” Dienst Sache sent from Fresenburg to Tremsbüttel in Holstein 31 May 1813. On front endorsed “Lieut Sachau, Comm. Der 2’ Comp. ---“. An unusual endorsement on the front of the letter, 1 wax seal on reverse.
GBP 339.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1833
Unpaid letter sent from Rendbsburg franco Hamburg to Francomont 14 November 1833, showing the scarce boxed “RENDSB 13 Nov 33”, Hamburg transit “DANEMARCK – PAR HAMBOURG” and receiving mark in Francomont on reverse. “40” decimes due by addressee marked on front. Latest recorded date of the boxed Rendburg mark.
GBP 508.00