1853 - 81 - Denmark - 1Ia - Cover
Letter sheet originally sent from Kiel to Copenhagen on 13 September 1853, charged “6” sk. due in red crayon. In Copenhagen re-posted and sent to Helsingør on 14 September and affixed with a prominent plate-flaw of the 4 RBS Thiele I, plate I, pos. 1 (Hakmærket) tied by numeral 1 (Copenhagen) alongside letter-box mark “Compass KB” type. An interesting combination showing the unpaid rate of 6 sk. in cash either due or prepaid and the favored 4 RBS rate when affixed a postage stamp. Circular 3/1852. If a cover had been out of the care of the post office a new postage had to be paid again.
Lot: 2326