
Schleswig-Holstein, 1858
Letter bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line spandrels tied by numeral 192 “Slesvigske Bureau” alongside “SLESV.P.SP.BUR. I T2 15/7” CDS, sent Copenhagen, rarely seen cancellation.
DKK 750,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1851
The Postal Law of Schleswig 18. April 1851. The use of 4 RBS was introduced 1 May 1851.
DKK 7.460,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1849
“Marine Dienst Sache” sent from Eckernförde to Kiel 18 May 1849 endorsed with “Eckernförde 18/5 49”. Small paper damage on the front cover.
DKK 1.120,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1860
Letter sent from Bergedorf 1860 the Duchy of Schleswig, Holm Mühle near Fleckebau south of the Schlei, bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line spandrels tied by curved “BERGEDORF” mark. Somewhat aged and stamp short of margin at top, but still an attractive letter.
DKK 5.970,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1866
Local letter sent within Hadersleben 28. February 1866 and franked with 1/2 Sch. HERZOGTH-SCHLESWIG green tied by Prussian 2-ring. Local letters are scarce and this letter in an outstanding quality.
DKK 7.460,00
Danmark, 1864
Field Post letter sent from Kolding to Apenrade 5 August 1864 and postmarked “K.PR.FELDPOST-RELAIS No. 9”. The Prussian troops occupied Jutland in the 1864-war and opened a Field Post office in Kolding where the postmark was used during the occupation. Letters with these postmarks are rarely seen.
DKK 4.480,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1865
Letter from Elmshorn in Holstein to Nykjøbing Mors 24.9.1865 franked with a 1 1/4 Sch. Mi. 9, tied by two-ring Elmshorn 24.9.1865. From Holsten the rate was 2 Sch., underfranked and thus charged 6 Sk. Danish in blue crayon, and stamped boxed “Unzureichend frankirt”. A very light bend in the stamp at right.
DKK 1.490,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1864
Letter sent from Nordstrand to Schleswig 18 November 1864, transit via Husum and bureau “TÖNNING-OHRSTEDT Zug No. II”.
DKK 750,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1858
Forwarded letter sent from London through the Danish post office in Altona 29. May 1858 to Assens, Denmark. Franked with a 4 sk. 1858 dotted spandrels V. printing, plate V, retouch lower right spandrels, pos. 57 or 86.
DKK 1.120,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1848
Military letter sent from Theod. Kaiser at the 10th Companie 16th Landwehr Regiment of the mobile forces in Jutland during the 1848-51 war and postmarked “KONIGL.PREUSS.FELDPOST” two-ring mark and a weak boxed mark from the battalion. Letters with these postmarks used in Denmark are rarely seen.
DKK 2.610,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1864
"Block of four 1 1/4 Sch. Schleswig-Holstein "weit gewellter grund", hinged, good margins."
DKK 2.990,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1867
Wrapper band bearing 1/2 Sch. rosalila SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN (1865) sent on printed matter from Kiel to Rendsburg 12 October 1867. The stamp was again allowed valid for postage from November 1866 till 31 December 1867. Wrapper bands with a faultless stamp tied by a postmark is quite uncommon.
DKK 16.420,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1867
Letter sent from Deetzbüll to Kiel bearing a 1 1/4 Sch. “HERZOGTH.SCHLESWIG” Mi. 14 tied by 1-ring “DEETZBÜLL 2-1 67” CDS. A very fine and clean strike.
DKK 2.990,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1868
Letter sent from Hadersleben via Ostende to Leith 3 March 1868 bearing 5 1 Gr. NDP tied by PER I-o “HADERSLEBEN 3 3 68 2-3N.” DAKA 58.12. Unusual letter.
DKK 2.990,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1854
4 sk. 1854 dotted spandrels with town manuscript “Seelent”. Might well be only recorded.
DKK 8.960,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1860
Letter sent to Høyer (Tondern) in the Duchy of Schleswig from Bristol 21 July 1860, charged 39 sk. due at the addressee, with “7” Sgr. foreign share.
DKK 750,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1884
20 Pfenning DR on “Laufsettel” stamped in Sonderjutland “SOMMERSTEDT 25.12.1884” with the Prussian 1-ring. Rare.
DKK 8.960,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1860
Letter sheet sent from Wandsbeck to Carlshütte near Rendsburg 4 August 1860 bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line issue tied by numeral “146” in blue ink as well as CDS “Wandsbeck 4/8 1860” also in blue. Very scarce on letter and in excellent quality of the postmarks.
DKK 8.960,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1864
K. Pr. Feldpost letter sent from Schleswig to Hannover 27 February 18(64-66) stamped with Prussian two-ring “K.PR. FELDPOST-RELAIS No. 10” on front without contents.
DKK 930,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1808
Napoleonic War. Royal Service Letter “K.D.S.” sent from Trittau 3 November 1808 to Tremsbüttel, noted “K.D.S. p o d s” and the “p o d s” it not yet known what it means.
DKK 1.490,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1864
Letter sent from Arnis to Veile 13 August 1864 bearing a 1 1/4 Sch. “HERZOTH. SCHLESWIG” green (Mi. 4) and tied by “ARNIS” Prussian two-ring mark. During the “Overenskomstløse periode” the postage from Schleswig to Denmark appear to remain unchanged contrary to mail to/from Holstein and Lauenburg. Rare postal document.
DKK 2.990,00