Stampless Letters

Denmark, 1855
Entire unpaid letter sent from Charleroi in Belgium to Altona 17. October 1855. Belgium share endorsed “2” decimes, T&T “7” Sgr. = 22 sk. danish + 5 sk. Danish rayon 1, total 27 sk. due.
GBP 169.00
Denmark, 1800
Telegraph Depeche envelope sent with local messenger from the Viborg Telegraph Station on the Hobro-Thisted line. Endorsed “Budpenge betales ved Modtagelsen #udgjør – 16 ß.” and pre-printed “frit” crossed out with red crayon, a rare and expensive local express service letter.
GBP 339.00
Denmark, 1851
Passenger-Ticket with the daily mail-coach from Aalborg to Randers 2 May 1851, very decorate form.
GBP 339.00