Faroe Islands

Faroe Islands, 1930
Telefon-Telegramm to the wedding couple Dahl, at Saltangeraa, 4 June (no year).
GBP 85.00
Faroe Islands, 1946
Air mail letter sent from Copenhagen to Thorshavn, Faroe Island with the first air mail service flight 23 July 1946.
GBP 342.00
Faroe Islands, 1937
Printed matter sent from Budapest to Thorshavn, Faroe Islands 1931 bearing a 6 filler stamp. Scarce destination.
GBP 107.00
Faroe Islands, 1938
Illustrated topical telephone telegram from Vestmanna 2 October 1938 to Thorshavn with congratulations for confirmation day. A cow, women, and typical Faroese houses and a sailing ship shown in the landscape view.
GBP 427.00
Faroe Islands, 1919, 1
3 øre wavy-line single postcard sent within Thorshavn 22 January 1919, uprated with provisional 2 ØRE on 5 øre King Christian X, tied by CDS Thorshavn.
GBP 641.00
Faroe Islands, 1945
Air mail letter sent from Fresno to LD Hansen, the then postmaster of Thorshavn 10 February 1945. American resealing censor tape for resealing, censormarks DOT and double BAR, dot for the need for censorship to be done, and a bar to confirm the letter has been censored. Thorshavn receiving mark on reverse.
GBP 171.00
Faroe Islands, 1940
Registered letter sent to the British Consulate at Thorshavn with “Radio-Hilsen” 14. December 1940 from Andefjord. This year only, BBC had agreed to broadcast Christmas Greetings to relatives in Denmark. The fee was 5 Kr. - and should be sent to the British Consulate and this letter contained a note of 5 Kr. Letter rate 20 øre plus 30 øre registration fee.
GBP 641.00
Faroe Islands, 1943
Censored airmail letter sent from Copenhagen to Thorshavn 17 September 1943, franked with 260 øre, 20 aur letter rate + 3x80 øre air mail surcharge. With German, British Bermuda (I.C) and U.S. censor ship and resealing tapes, transit New York 9 December 1943 on reverse.
GBP 342.00
Faroe Islands, 1941
Postal Money Order for 11 Kr. sent from Thorshavn to Hvalvik 22 September 1941, total postage 30 øre.
GBP 85.00
Faroe Islands, 1952
PORKERE removed-star cancel on 25 øre King Frederik IX issue tied on piece. Superb strike of scarcest of all removed-star cancels from the Faroe Islands.
GBP 192.00
Faroe Islands, 1919
2 øre provisional issue in form of a bisected 4 øre wavy-line 1913-issue watermark Cross additionally franked with 5 øre King Christian X, paying the 7 øre local rate introduced from 1st of January 1919.
GBP 427.00