Danish Stamps

Slesvig-Holsten, 1864, 9
Letter from Kappel 25 September 1863 to Brunswick, Kiel. 4 sk. 1863 roulletted cancelled with numeral '11' alongside cds 'KAPPEL 25/9'. Backstamped 'ECKERNFÖRDE 25/9' and 'KIEL 25/9'.
GBP 153.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1858, 7
Letter from Glückstadt 30 January 1862 to Brockdorf. 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line, 4. printing, margin above slightly cut, cancelled with numeral '116' alongside cds in blue 'GLÜCKSTADT 30/1 1862'. Town manuscript 'Wevelsfleth' known from 1862-1867, rarely seen on letters in combination with 4 sk. danish stamp.
GBP 424.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1852, 1
Letter from Marstal 8 March 1854 to Næstved. 4 RBS THIELE II blackish brown cancelled with numeral '89' alongside cds 'MARSTAL 8/3 1854'. A rare letter.
GBP 297.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1862, 7
Letter inside date Aschau 6 May 1862 via Gettorf to Fernsicht per Kellinghusen. 4 sk. 1858 IV printing, wavy-line spandrels (small incision above right) cancelled with numeral ‘171’ blue ink Gettorf and datestamp GETTORF 6.5.1862. Aschau is located north of Gettorf.
GBP 339.00
Denmark, 1863, 9
Letter Kiel 26 June 1863 to Rauzau near Plön. 4 sk. wavy-line spandrels rouletted 1863 tied by the rare Kiel numeral “170” alongside CDS “KIEL BANHHOF 28/6 / 10-11V”. Kiel Bahnhof numeral 170 is extremely rare on cover.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1860, 7
COD sent from Hamburg to the Isle of Pellworm 23 June 1860 on WRAPPER BAND bearing a pair of 4 sk. I printing wavy-line issue tied by Hamburg numeral “2” alongside two-ring CDS “KDOPA HAMBURG”. COD for “11 Rthl 34 S”, fee “12” sk. noted and paid in cash, red crayon “11 R 34S” collected from the addressee. A rare postal document and exceptionally with a pair.
GBP 1,695.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1863, 9
Letter sent from Kiel to Goldberg in Mecklenburg July 3, 1863 and franked with a pair of 4 sk. roulletted tied by numeral 168 of Kiel. 4 sk. from Danish rayon 1 and 4 sk. to German rayon 1, total rate 8 sk. in effect from 5.7.1854 to 31.7.1865. Only recorded letter with this franking.
GBP 2,966.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1854, 1
Letter from Itzehoe 31 August 1854 to Flensburg. 4 RBS Thiele III olivebrown tied by numeral cancellation '19' alongside provisional straight-line mark 'Itzehoe 31/8' known from 21.8 - 6.9 1854. A clean strike of a very rare postmark.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1869, 13
BORDER RATE LETTER from Kolding 18 August 1869 to Meng By, Aller parish, east of Christiansfeld. 4 sk. 1864 crown-scepter-sword cancelled with numeral '36' alongside 'KOLDING 18/8'. The rural mail carrier writes on the back that the addressee is not known in Meng and return the letter, with his signature 'Ohlsen, Land Postbud'. Manuscript blue ink '21/8 retour' and stamped Prussian two-ring 'CHRISTIANSFELD 21/8 69 8-9V' and reception mark Kolding 21/8. Rural fee '2/1' red crayon. A very rare example of a returned border rate letter.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1858
NEWSPAPER WRAPPER BAND with Postal Money Demand 22 Rdl 22 sk. sent from Hamburg to Pellworm 17.4 (1858-1863). Double letter rate paid by pair of 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line spandrels, Money Order Fee 8 sk. 5-10 Rdl. paid in cash, list no. 30. Wrapper bands are very unusual items.
GBP 1,695.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1858
Letter bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line spandrels tied by numeral 192 “Slesvigske Bureau” alongside “SLESV.P.SP.BUR. I T2 15/7” CDS, sent Copenhagen, rarely seen cancellation.
GBP 85.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1851
The Postal Law of Schleswig 18. April 1851. The use of 4 RBS was introduced 1 May 1851.
GBP 847.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1860
Letter sent from Bergedorf 1860 the Duchy of Schleswig, Holm Mühle near Fleckebau south of the Schlei, bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line spandrels tied by curved “BERGEDORF” mark. Somewhat aged and stamp short of margin at top, but still an attractive letter.
GBP 678.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1854
4 sk. 1854 dotted spandrels with town manuscript “Seelent”. Might well be only recorded.
GBP 1,017.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1860
Letter sheet sent from Wandsbeck to Carlshütte near Rendsburg 4 August 1860 bearing a 4 sk. 1858 wavy-line issue tied by numeral “146” in blue ink as well as CDS “Wandsbeck 4/8 1860” also in blue. Very scarce on letter and in excellent quality of the postmarks.
GBP 1,017.00
Slesvig-Holsten, 1852, 1
Ferslew printing 4 RBS, plate I-41 on letter from Haderslev to Copenhagen. Mute cancellation tying the stamp alongside bluish green Haderslev mark dated August 31, 1852.
GBP 212.00