Schleswig-Holstein, 1854
Prepaid letter from Lübeck 13 June 1854 to Mandal, Norway. Manuscript 'Lÿbeck 13/6 54', a manuscript I have not found in ARGE.
DKK 1.870,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1850
Letter from Cappeln 1 February 1850 via Rendsburg to Oldesloe. Stamped 1 1/2-ring 'CAPPELN 1/2 1850'. Cappeln-Rendsburg double letter (1-2 loth) 5-10 Meilen = 2x 2 Sch.Crt. (4) paid and from Rendsburg-Oldesloe 5-10 Meilen= 2x 2 Sch.Crt due by addressee (Postal rate 1.1.1849.) Amtsblatt Nr. 24 from 16.12.1849, postage to be prepaid to Rendsburg. Betweeen Denmark and Schleswig 1.9.1849 and between Holsten and Denmark/Schleswig open for mailservice open from 4 September 1849 (Cours Circulaire 25/1849).
DKK 1.870,00
Schleswig-Holstein, 1848
Soldier's letter from Daugaard ved Vejle 22 July 1848 to Gavnø, pr. Næstved. On the back manuscript 'Fra Houg ved det frivillige beredne Jægercorps fra Daugg.' Red crayon across on the front, a postal control mark to check the letters in the bundle sent as Fieldpost.
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1849
Foot Post letter within Copenhagen ramparts sent on 31 May 1849. The Foot Post service was in the hands of the Danish Postal System from 14 May 1849 and no longer a private enterprise. A new postmark was introduced for canceling letters, this example is THE EARLIEST RECORDED example postmarked OVA-1 'F: 5 31/5 49 P:' and in superb condition in every respect.
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1851
Foot Post letter sent from Copenhagen 30 March 1851 to Faaborg, the the province and far outside the range of Copenhagen Foot Post. Postmarked 'OVA-1 'F: 9 30/3 51 P:', backstamped Antiqua KJØBENHAVN 30/3 1851' Antiqua in green postal rate endorsement '6 - 11' with '6' the ledger and '11' being skilling due. Sent as 'K..T.' Royal Service and charged '13' which include a '2' local letter fee in Faaborg. Letters at this time sent to the province are scarce.
DKK 2.990,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1914, 51
50 BIT King Christian X die colour proof in the red/grey colours approved for the 40 BIT stamp. Printed on cross watermarked white paper stamped by the printing house H. H. Thieles Bogtrykkeri København, dated manuscript 30/10 (1914). A most spetacular exhibition item. Unique.
DKK 22.390,00
Danmark, 1851, 1
4 Rigsbankskilling Ferslew plate I-41 with a superb mute-cancel strike.
DKK 7.460,00
Grønland, 1945, 22a
30 øre Greenland American Issue with changed overprint colours “Danmark Befriet 5 Maj 1945” with overprint shifted upwards. Only one used stamp has been recorded. Mint never hinged.
DKK 4.850,00
Danmark, 1812
Prepaid letter from Ledreborg 27 March 1812 to Lütetsburg north of Emden. Paid to Altona, with a break down of the postal rate on the flap, P. Haders ?. – 6, Pr. Hamburg ? 5-30, Pr. Grænsen 5-30, total 66 sk. paid, list no. 2-66. With a “6” marking and stamped “DANNEMARC/P·HAMBOUG”. Letter’s with a calculation of the paid postage is extremely scarce for letters abroad. Sent during the Napoleonic War.
DKK 4.480,00
Danmark, 1864
Royal Service K.T. parcel letter from Humlebæk to Copenhagen, 11 May 1864-75. Postmarked with numeral 166, Humlebæk – who only had this postmark available.
DKK 750,00
Danmark, 1672
Early letter from the British Ambassador Thomas Henshaw in Copenhagen 19 October 1672, to his friend, Robert Clayton, London’s wealthiest citizen in his time. Sent through the Danish Post Office in Hamburg, via Amsterdam and by ship to London, rated 8d in Great Britian. On arrival stamped London receiving office mark – 2 Off – in circle. Very early letter from Denmark to a foreign country.
DKK 14.930,00
Danmark, 1848
Soldiers letter sent from “Skowerup” Skovrup located NW of Christiansfeld to Usedom, with contents dated 7. July 1848. Stamped “KONIGL.PREUSS. FELDPOST” and boxed “F.B. I. B. XII. F.R” and manuscript on reverse “Unteroff. Dahl im König. Preuss. 12. xx Infanteri-Regiment”.
DKK 2.990,00
Danmark, 1887
10 øre red/black Svendborg local with inverted center, block of four with sheet margin, hinged with some original gum.
DKK 2.240,00
Danmark, 1857, 4
"Single rate letter franked with 4 sk. 1854 issue from Faaborg to Copenhagen August 4, 1857 and cancelled with numeral 15 and alongside Faaborg cds. Manuscript "9" indicating that the letter has been handed over to the post office 1-2 hours after normal opening hours and therefore a fee of 9 sk. paid. Highly unusual on stamp covers."
DKK 1.120,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1905
King Christian IX, imperforate colour essay, greyish brown. Considered to be the work of Alfred Jacobsen.
DKK 2.990,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1905
King Christian IX, imperforate colour essay, light green with wide margins. Considered to be the work of Alfred Jacobsen.
DKK 3.580,00
Island, 1929
50 aur air mail Two Kings issue with airmail surcharge, block of four, with variety on LR stamp, “Tail of plane broken”, mint hinged.
DKK 1.490,00
Island, 1929
20 aur “Views and Buildings” stamped boxed “Paquebot” and CDS “THORSHAVN 12-1929”
DKK 300,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1917, 37
Censored letter sent from St. Thomas to Copenhagen 10 February 1917 bearing five 10 BIT King Frederik VIII issue, tied by CDS “ST. THOMAS”, opened and with British censor resealing tape “OPENED BY/CENSOR./999”. Randers receiving mark on reverse 28.3.1917.
DKK 4.480,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1899, 5By
Printed matter St. Thomas 15 May 1899 to New York, NY, USA. Pair 1¢ bicolored X printing inverted frame perforation 12 3/4 tied by CDS “ST. THOMAS 15/5 1899”. Routing order - Per “Caribbee” via St. Croix, with “FREDERIKSTED 18/5 1899” CDS on reverse. A most unusual routing at this time for mail via St. Croix from St. Thomas to US.
DKK 10.450,00