Schleswig-Holstein, 1866
Local letter sent from Moltrup-Bjerning to Hadersleben 20. June 1866 and franked with 1/2 Sch. HERZOGTH-SCHLESWIG green tied by Prussian 1-ring. Local letters are scarce and this letter in an outstanding quality.
EUR 1.000,00
Danmark, 1801
Unpaid letter sent from Copenhagen 21 March 1801 to Laurvig, Norway. With list no. 57 – 9 noted on the reverse. 9ß due by addressee for the postage. This is a great historical letter, written just days before Admiral Lord Nelson Fleet arrived at Copenhagen Middelgrund on 1 April. Already the 2 of April in the afternoon, the Danish King accepted the Armistace, already more than 2000 soldiers has died at that time. The letter mention the arrival of an English frigate and that the war seems unavoidable and all forces are joined to prepare for defense.
EUR 2.000,00
Danmark, 1813
Money Letter from lottery agent Bruun in Nyborg sent between 1 Feb – 6 Aug 1813 to Bie, Copenhagen. Contained - Heruid 85 Rbd: 12ß D: C: - and royal insignia Fr.VI, and with closed with three red wax seals, two post office seals – NYBORG FR VI – and Bruuns own wax seal. Postage noted on reverse – 2 – 9 – list no. 2 and postage 9 Rbß for 1-100 Rbdlr.: 9 Rbß. Description can be found on Toke Nørby’s website.
EUR 350,00
Danmark, 1821
Entire from Troense near Svendborg 6 March 1821 to Schiedam, The Netherlands. On front with town manuscript – Svendborg - Prepaid to Hamburg – frit Hamburg – Due in Schiedam – 10 – Stuiver. List No. 1 from Svendborg, transit mark HAMBURG on entry to The Netherlands.
EUR 400,00
Danmark, 1848
Prepaid letter from Copenhagen 5 September 1848 to Mandal, Norway. Routing instruction – Via Nyborg & Norsk Dampskib -. Postal rates breakdown noted on the top of the letter 42 – 26 – 6. The route via Nyborg is rather unusual.
EUR 250,00
Danmark, 1874
Local registered letter carried by Copenhagen Foot Post sent 29 April 1874, bearing two 4 sk. X printing and a single 2 sk. VIII printing bicoloured issue, tied by Copenhagen numeral “1” alongside Oval FP mark. List no. 249. 2 sk. local rate plus 8 sk. registration fee, total 10 sk. Local registered skilling letters are very unusual
EUR 2.000,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1913
15 BIT printed matter wrapper band sent form St. Thomas to New York, bearing a 5 and 10 BIT King Frederik VIII issue tied by CDS “ST. THOMAS 14.9.1913. Plate flaw on 10 BIT, with uneven frame line under left figure 10, AFA spec. 37z. 15 BIT third printed matter rate, each 5 BIT weight step.
EUR 800,00
Danmark, 1926
Airmail card sent from Stettin to Copenhagen 1 June 1926 and charged “100” øre due by the addressee and a 1 Kr. Due stamp affixed. Unusual combination of airmail and 1 kr. postage due stamp.
EUR 100,00
Danmark, 1862
Royal Service “K.T. m.a.” sent from Frederikshavn to Skagen 6 May 1862, also 5 May CDS showing date for receiving at the post. On front a red circled “O” showing a control for the weight, usually it's a red line across the letter.
EUR 150,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1902
Local letter sent from Frederiksted to Christiansted 6 August 1902 bearing a pair 1c Coat of Arms type tied by CDS “FREDERIKSTED 6.8.1902” paying the 2c domestic rate.
EUR 150,00
Island, 1932
Registered 2nd rate letter sent from Reykjavik to Norwich 17 August 1932 bearing a 10 aur “Views & Building” issue and 75 aur Gullfoss issue, paying 55 aur for up to 40 gram and 30 aur registration fee, total 85 aur.
EUR 200,00
Island, 1892
5 Aur Postal card “BRJEFSPJALD” 1879-issue, Schilling 1, type C, sent from Reykjavik to Helsingfors, Finnland. Add. franked with 5 aur green 1882-issue perf. 14 x 13 1/2 paying for 10 aur foreign post card rate. One of only two recorded letters sent to Finland with the Oval issues.
EUR 2.000,00
Island, 1891
5 aur BRJEFSPJALD sent as printed matter from Reykjavik to Gütersloh, Germany 21 August 1901. Transit mark Newcastle “SHIP LETTER - NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE” stamped on front.
EUR 1.000,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1840
Unusual letter sent from Danish West Indies 1840 to the Island of fortress Christiansø in Denmark, where it arrived 18 May 1840. Sent from a soldier to “Premier Lieutenant P. v. Dam”. The letter does not carry any sort of postal markings. The letter contains a parade in DWI where the Governor proclaimed the death of King Frederik VI and the crowning of King Christian VIII.
EUR 500,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1824
Entire sent from St. Croix 4 October 1824 to Bethlehem, Pensylvania. Stamped “SHIP” in red and 1-ring CDS “NEW YORK Jan 31”. Charged 27 cents ?
EUR 200,00
Dansk Vestindien, 1870
Entire sent from Puerto Cabello via St. Thomas to New York 31 October 1870, charged 4 cents stamped by “NEW YORK SHIP LETTER - 4 - NOV 28” and posted aboard the steamer “Thomas Dallett”.
EUR 175,00
Danmark, 1854
Registered double rate letter sent from Copenhagen to Paris 23 July 1854. Total charge 77 sk. - 17 sk. Danish (9 sk. + 8 sk. registration fee) and 60 sk. foreign share = 14 Sgr. The letter has been sent only a week after the new postal rates as of 15.7.1854.
EUR 350,00
Danmark, 1854
Letter sent from Copenhagen to Bahia, Brazil 2 February 1854. Foreign share 73 sk. = - Danish share 9 sk., total 82 sk. - Postage due 240 reis.
EUR 500,00
Danmark, 1851, 1
FIRE Rigsbankskiling Ferslew printing on foot-post letter from to Slagelse September 6, 1851 alongside oval foot-post mark in blue. Letters with 4 RBS stamps to the province of Denmark are rather unusual to find.
EUR 400,00
Danmark, 1851, 1Ia
Letter from the small substation (MPX) of Stokkemarke to Nakskov 1 December 1852 franked with 4 RBS Thiele I. Stokkemarke opened 1 April 1851 and were a MPX to Maribo. Since MPX were not allocated c.d.s.'s it used ink to cancel stamps and manuscript ”Stk. 1/12 52.-” instead. The MPX of Stokkemarke were paid by Maribo to run the office. A fine proof to the postal historian to explain the activities of the small substations on the country side. Ex. J. Schmidt-Andersen. Unique.
EUR 6.000,00
Island, 1952
Letter from Stóra-Giljá with numeral 275 on letter to Reykjavik franked with 1,25 kr. Fishing trawler issued 1952. Between 1.1.952 – 31.3.1956 the rate were 125 aur.
EUR 225,00