Danish West Indies, 1905
Mixed franking CENTS/BIT 1 Cent Coat of Arms postcard and 5 BIT King Christian IX supplementary franking sent from St. Thomas to Montserrat 7. October 1905, a scarce destination. 1 Cent counted for 5 BIT, total postage 10 BIT for UPU countries. Mixed frankings CENT/BIT issues are rarities. Francs/BIT were introduced 15th July 1905.
GBP 678.00
Iceland, 1901
8 aur postal stationery with one-line cancellation FRA ISLAND from Reykjavik to Copenhagen July 1901 and with Copenhagen arrival mark on front. Fine example of an early ship cancellation.
GBP 212.00
Denmark, 1858, 7
"Letter sent from Copenhagen to Hillerød 12 July 1858-62 and at the front endorsed “pr. Deligencen” "mail coach", a very scarce endorsement on Danish letters."
GBP 847.00
Denmark, 1864, 13
Letter sent from Søllested to Nykjøbing 17 December 1864, bearing a 4 sk. Arms issue tied by numeral “110” alongside 1-line mark “STOKKEMARKE 18/12 64”. Rare in such a appealing qualilty.
GBP 636.00
Danish West Indies, 1902, 7B,16
Letter St. Thomas 3 December 1902 to Ysla Culebra, Puerto Rico. 4¢ bicolored III printing normal frame and 1¢ Coat-of-Arms issue (AFA 7B,16) tied by “ST. THOMAS 3/12 1902”. ”. Within a 300 miles zone in the Caribbean area a favored rate of 5¢ were in use from 1.4.1879 – 14.7.1905, this late and with the combination quite scarce.
GBP 1,271.00
Denmark, 1852, 2b
2 Rigsbankskilling Thiele printing plate I, pos. 63, type 3 with even margins and a nicely placed cancel in the corner leaving most of the stamp design visisble and rare in this condition as the instruction was to cancel the stamp with the most of the cancel on the stamp itself.
GBP 1,017.00
Danish West Indies, 1869
"Folded letter dated St. Thomas 29 August 1869, to Manzanillo, cuba. Prepaid with two French 30c. Empire for the 60c Caribbean rate, tied by anchor lozenge cancel and French CDS “ * LIGNE – D / PAQ. FR. *. No. 1 * ”, rarely used on mail from St. Thomas. I have recorded two no. 1 and one no. 2 and CDS "ST. THOMAS / 31/8 1869", vertical fold through stamps, Manzanillo 11 SEP, charged “2” reales fee in Cuba."
GBP 1,271.00
Denmark, 1922, 125
Air Mail service erected due to frozen waters at Storebælt on 7th February to Aarhus. Letter sent from Copenhagen 7 February 1922 to Aarhus bearing two 20 øre Christian X issue, paying 20 øre letter rate and 20 øre surcharge for the Air mail surcharge. The plane flew between Aarhus-Samsø and Kalundborg. The Air Force established a tent camp at Gisseløre near Kalundborg and an “Airport” was made directly on the ice, Airmail label 87x13 mm. First Day of Ice Air mail service. The flights from Kalundborg-Aarhus-Kalundborg made a stop at Samsø, flown by pilot Bjarkov.
GBP 466.00
Danish West Indies, 1783
Entire dated St. Croix 25 March 1783 sent to Arbroath, North Brittain. Arrived in Liverpool and struck “LIVERPOOL / SHIP LRE” on front, with part of red strike SHIP where only IP is readable, and transit 1-line mark CARLISLE on reverse. Charged “9” with 1d captain’s fee, 4d (over 80 miles) to Carlisle and 4d to Arbroath, total 9d. Charges as double weight letter, 1d plus 2x 8d, total 1/5 (=17d). An charge of 1/7 crossed out and not counted. A rare and early letter from The Colonial postal period 1754-1807.
GBP 3,220.00
Danish West Indies, 1835
Unpaid letter sent from St. Thomas to Glasgow 13 November 1835 by British Packet and charged 2/5, picked up by the Leeward Islands Packet from Barbados and carried to Falmouth, the inland to Glasgow and stamped “LEEWARD ISLAND F” in green. Single letter rate 1813 - 37 1 SH 2d and inland rate 2 SH 3d, total 2/5.
GBP 1,186.00
Denmark, 1906, 46
Parcel letter (Adressebrev) 7,80 kg. from Copenhagen Railroad station 26 May 1906 to Taasinge. Pair 15 øre lilac wavy-line, tied by 3-ring 'K 2' Esrom type alongside swiss type 'KJØBENHAVN 26.5.06 11-5-E *B.* ', parcel label 'Kjøbenhavn B 209.' and backstamped 'TAASINGE 27.5.06 7-8F'. Vagn Jensen recorded from 3.3.1910 - 5.10.1916, this letter is postmarked June 1906.
GBP 169.00
Denmark, 1806
Foot Post letter, with inside date Copenhagen 17 May 1806 - with manuscript '125' ledger number and foot post mark in italic 'FP' Type 1 - This is the earliest documented use of the FOOT POST mark and in an astonishing and rarely clean impression like seen on this cover. Besides, this is also the EARLIEST RECORDED letter with a Copenhagen Foot Post mark. The Copenhagen Foot Post commenced operations on 1 March 1806. A truly great rarity the DANISH FOOT POST service.
GBP 1,525.00
Denmark, 1949
Letter sent from Aarhus 25 November 1949 to Roskilde, prepaid with 20 øre for an ordinary domestic rate letter. The postal service assumed that the letter contained coins, then endorsed by “Formodes at indeholde Penge” and stamped “Kassebrev Aarhus Postkontor”. As such, the letter were opened and proved to contain 12 1/2 øre, fined and charged with registration fee. In reply to a copper wedding invitation - and a set of coins glued as symbolism to 12 1/2 years, in copper coins !
GBP 169.00
Denmark, 1952
Red Cross envelope 'HOSPITALSKIBET JUTLANDIA' under Dansk Røde Kors sent by the dentist onboard Jutlandia, postmarked in Copenhagen 29 September 1952. Jutlandia was contracted as hospitalship during the Corea war from January 23, 1951.
GBP 169.00
Denmark, 1851
Østerbro in Copenhagen 30 June 1851 to Toulon, France. Samped cds 'KIØBENHAVN O.P.E. 30 /6 1851', with boxed 'Aus Daenemarck. / d. Meckleburg' greenish blue ink. Backstamped TPO 'MAGDEBURG-WITTENBERGE 1.7', 'BERLIN-HAMBURG' and 'BERLIN-MINDEN' and on front French due and border crossing mark in Valenciennes. Rare.
GBP 508.00
Denmark, 1946
Letter from stamp dealer N.S. Nedergaard, Skive 25 July 1946 to Berlin-Lichtenrade, Germany. Censored, resealed and censor's mark '666 DANMARK', returned and stamped 'Fra Udlandspostkontrollen / retur Afsenderen', backstamped 'Retur i Henhold til / indlagte Meddelse' - message 'Denne Forsendelse kan ikke befordres uden Tilladelse fra Direktoratet for Vareforsyning, Vognmagergade 2, København K. / Udlandspostkontrollen'. Rare
GBP 169.00
Denmark, 1945
Airmail letter from Copenhagen 11 December 1945 to Dakar, Senegal, Africa. Letter rate 40 øre plus 50 øre air mail surcharge. Red boxed 'O.A.T.' stamped on front.
GBP 85.00
Denmark, 1945
First Day Cover with King Christian X 75th Birthday, 26 September 1945 to Helsinki, Finland. Export certified numeral 'A.Nr. 3395' and with rare post war censor mark 'Udlandskontrollen [CROWN] Danmark' Bloch type 4, page 137.
GBP 127.00
Denmark, 1943
Letter from Copenhagen 12 February 1943 to Internee Camp Store Grunnet, Vejle sent to Ingeborg White, then married to an American diplomat and for that sent to the internee camp Store Grunnet, Vejle. Higher ranking staff at British and Ameerican embassies in Denmark were interned and sent to Store Grunnet. All mail was directed to General Post Directorate in Copenhagen and sent to Store Grunnet. Censored and stamped 'Post- og Teletrafvæsenet i Danmark'. Rare.
GBP 212.00
Iceland, 1938
Leifr Eiricssons Day 1938, 1 (KR) The National Theatre of Iceland in Reykjavik, greylilac, with full margins on all 4 sides, perforated. Halftone recess printing by Staatsdruckerei, Wien. As small single stamp sheet extremely rare.
GBP 508.00
Iceland, 1938
Leifr Eiricssons Day 1938, 1 (KR) The National Theatre of Iceland in Reykjavik, brown, with full margins on all 4 sides, perforated. Halftone recess printing by Staatsdruckerei, Wien. As small single stamp sheet extremely rare.
GBP 508.00